Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Exam Scientific Method and Research Essay - 1018 Words

University of New Brunswick, Saint John Business Research Method BA 3129 Final exam By Eman Ib Instructor Gregory Fleet April 29, 2014 Chapter 4 After studying and extracting information from all the relevant work done previously, how does there searcher know which references, articles, and information should be given prominence in the literature survey? For this question, the answer is the researchers should start looking for the literature survey that straight as the information from the unstructured and structured interviews that is being gathered. Also for the reviewing, the literature on the subject part of this time assistances the researcher to focus more on the interviews more importantly on certain aspects found†¦show more content†¦What are the main reasons for choosing observational methods over other methods? It because observation concerns the planed watching, recording, analysis and interpretation of behavior, actions or events. In addition, other data collection methods present rudiments of insincerity into the research environment, observation defines events. Researchers can also use observational methods when independent are unwilling to express themselves. 12. Discuss how ethnography and participant observation are related. Ethnography is the research methodology that has origins in anthropology. And a research procedure in which the anthropologist carefully detects, records, and involves in the everyday life of another culture and. Participant observation is more related to ethnography. However, there is different people that have different thoughts about the particular relationship between the both. Ethnography and participant observation are from time to time used interchangeably in the works. Ethnography includes the involvement in the specific culture, of the social group a people of Samoa. In addition, observing behavior finished a extended the engagement in the field where ethnography takings place – is stared as one of some methods for ethnographic research. OtherShow MoreRelatedScience Versus Pseudoscience : Science Vs. Pseudoscience774 Words   |  4 Pagespoints available in the course. Please use the textbook, the PPT lecture handout of Chapter 1, and internet to answer the following six questions: 1) What are the steps of the scientific method? (4 points) The scientific method contains several steps which are as follows. 1. Ask a question 2. Do some background research 3. Create a hypothesis 4. Test your hypothesis by experimentation 5. Analyze the data and come to a conclusion 6. Communicate your results 2) Explain the difference between scienceRead MoreResearch Method Case Scenario Essay1125 Words   |  5 PagesThe Research Method Case Scenario A. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Psychological Evidence Support The Claim That...

To what extent does the psychological evidence support the claim that individuals will blindly conform or obey commands from an authority figure, even when this involves inflicting harm on others? One definition of conformity given by the Oxford English dictionary is ‘behaviour in accordance with socially accepted convention’. Conformity is common among humans and within society, however much people like to think of themselves as individuals. It has even been seen that people will obey commands that hurt others in order to conform. This can be seen in several experiments conducted over the years with some producing surprising results. The controversial study of Milgram (1963) is a behavioural study of obedience and therefore a prime piece of evidence with results that support the claim that individuals will obey commands from an authority figure, even if this involves potentially inflicting harm upon others. Forty male participants were used within this study, all which were paid on their arrival. This was a varied sample as all participants varied in occupation, age and level of education however, as females were not used this could be considered to be participant bias. All participants believed they were assigned the role of teacher by random and were asked to administer electric shocks to another person who they believed to be a volunteer but who was, in fact, a confederate. No real shocks were administered but the participant believed them to be so. They were lead toShow MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesmarketing channel distribution, and entirely new patterns of employee recruiting, development, and training. In addition, product and services launches increasingly require more effective development initiatives. Rapidly increasing numbers of new offerings—from Web-oriented modules to credit cards—are being commoditized in months or even weeks instead of the periods of years on which companies had counted for cash flow. Increasingly demanding consumer and industrial buyers are basing their purchasing decisions

Monday, December 9, 2019

Analytical Exposition on Food Insecurity-Free-Samples for Student

Question: Discuss about the Analytical Exposition on Food Insecurity in Australia. Answer: Food insecurity is the method that helps to measure the food deprivation. In Australia, the food insecurity is increasing that contributes to understanding the food accessibility, utilization, stability, and availability. The people of Australia face the growth of hunger, health inequalities and health risks (Guerin 2016). People need to have the enough amount of nutritious food that can help to secure the health status of individuals. People who susceptible to the food insecurity, are unemployed people, low- income people, single parents, young people and the rental households. The study focuses on the issues of the food security in Australia. The discussion shed lights on the impact of food insecurity on the health status of people. The challenges of the food insecurity are discussed. Food insecurity is prevalent in most of the third world nations of the particular group of people as well as in the developed countries like Australia. According to Hertel and Baldos (2016), food access refers to the capacity of acquiring and consuming the nutritious diet. This can include the capability to buy the foods as well as transportation of food. This can help people to gain knowledge to know about the quality of food. Food availability is the food supply in the community, which affect the food security of different people such as individual, community, households and the entire population. People need to know the location of the food outlets, quality, expense, variety and availability of foods. As opined by Auler, Teixeira and Nardi (2017) the food must be nutritionally balanced that is the food must contain an adequate amount of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. MacCallion (2016) mentioned that food insecurity does not always mean the hunger. Figure 1: Per Capita food losses and waste (Source: 2017) Food insecurity has the significant impact on the health status of people. People need to consume optimal food for their health safety. Food insecurity may increase the anxiety among people; hence, it is necessary to use the food appropriately (Grafton 2016). Improper use of the food can lead to the poor nutrition quality and extreme hunger. According to the survey of Australian National Nutritional Survey of 1995, particular group of people are at the high risk of food insecurity (YouTube. 2016). Indigenous people are the high risk (24 %). The rate of unemployed people is 23%, single parent household is 23 %. The rate of low- income individuals and rental household people is 20 % respectively. Young people are of 15 %. Other people, who are at the risk of food insecurity, are specific groups like refugee, who are unable to access the transport system, who misuse tobacco and alcohol, as well as the disable people (McLean 2017). Some people face barriers to access the food such as lack of transportation, disability, lack of money. Poor quality food is a significant obstacle in case of the food security. People, who have the low income and the people of remote areas suffer from the food insecurity the most due to the poor quality of food stuff (YouTube. 2016). They mainly suffer from the health issues as they do not get proper nutrition. Food needs to be prepared according to the food safety guidelines. However, many of people in Australia are not aware about the food safety and food hygiene. People of low income prefer the foods of cheap quality that is enriched with the lower quality of food staffs like oil, butter, salt and others (Rosier 2011). This is harmful for health and can create serious health issues like obesity, central nervous system, cardiac problem, and hypertension. Few people misuse the alcohol and tobacco; as a result they spend money on those things and cannot buy proper food to be healthy (Grafton 2016). Food insecurity mainly affects the children and older people as they are the vulnerable group. As mentioned by Hertel and Baldos (2016), food security is one of the significant social determinants of the health. It can affect the academic life of students. Due to insufficient food, the body may not get adequate amount of energy and brain use the carbohydrate as the fuel of body. If people do not have energy then it is quite impossible to concentrate in the works and achieve the goal. Children may suffer from protein energy malnutrition due to the food insecurity (, 2017). Food insecurity can increase the mortality and morbidity rate of people in Australia. For the good health status, not only regular meals but also nutritional food play important role. People need to maintain the food security while preparing, handling, storing of food so that the food borne disease can be avoided as well as the food insecurity. Figure 2: Productivity growth for agricultural industries (Source: McLean 2017) People need to take at least five meals per day, which needs to be enriched with the foods from each of the five groups. These groups are cereals, pulse and legumes, dairy products including fat, vegetables and fruits, and proteins like lean meat, fish, and soya bean (MacCallion 2016). People mainly skip their meals, which is not a good practice and increases the chances of the obesity and various chronic diseases like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, renal dysfunction and others. However, Guerin (2016) argued that the nutritious food is much expensive than the unhealthy foods; hence, the low income people prefers the unhealthy foods more than healthy foods. For the wellbeing of the people of Australia, food security is essential. The unhealthy food is rich in calorie, fat and unhygienic elements. Hence, the situation needs to be developed. Food security is the condition that has relations with the food supply, and accessibility (Timmer 2017). Due to food insecurity the growth o f the children becomes stunted as well as mental development hampers. Proper nutritional education is necessary for the food security so that people can be aware about it. Especially the people at the high risk needs the education on food security and should know about the foods that are nutritious but pocket friendly. Figure 3: Basic Framework for Understanding Food Security Issues (Source: Timmer 2017) The food supplying organizations need to be aware about the food safety and food hygiene to avoid the dangerous diseases like cancer (Islam and Wong 2017). People need to know the appropriate procedure of the food security that is the way to handle food, preparing method, and storing method. For the education, the government can choose people from different region and can train them so that they are able to provide education to others in their own language. People need to prefer fresh foods in meal that is essential for the body. Government can implement different policies to reduce the food insecurity and make people aware about the food security (Guerin 2016). The government of Australia can make national food plan for the people who are at the risk and balance the food safety and food availability levels. The policies need to be implemented in the remote areas mainly, where the people have transport problem and cannot access food. In view of Islam and Wong (2017), the government can arrange the food security program to address the issues of the food insecurity and this can help people. One of the most effective programs is the community kitchen pilot project, which can help people to improve the food security via gaining knowledge of food. Food knowledge can help people to choose the food of daily life in affordable price. The participants of the program can be of different age group, community and gender without discrimination (Timmer 2017). To make the program successful, the group members need to be involved in the financial investment and attract people for their active participation. The organizer of the programs can arrange training and workshops for the participants so that they can avoid the food insecurity and improve the cooking skills with the nutritional knowledge. This can develop the food safety as well as the hygiene practices. The program can develop the community strength. The food security wi ll allow the participants to develop the mental health as well as the physical health. The low cost food diet charts can be provided to the participants so that they may have the idea about the low cost food ( 2017). Based on the above discussion, it can be said that due to food insecurity the growth of the children becomes stunted as well as mental development hampers. People, who have the low income and the people of remote areas suffer from the food insecurity the most due to the poor quality of food stuff. People need to know about the location of the food outlets, quality, expense, variety and availability of foods. The government of Australia can make national food plan for the people who are at the risk and balance the food safety and food availability levels. his can help people to gain knowledge to know about the quality of food. Proper nutritional education is necessary for the food security so that people can be aware about it. The food security will allow the participants to develop the mental health as well as the physical health References Auler, D.P., Teixeira, R. and Nardi, V., 2017. Food safety as a field in supply chain management studies: a systematic literature review.International Food and Agribusiness Management Review,20(1), pp.99-112. 2017.Food security | Global Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2017]. Grafton, R.Q., 2016. 4 Global risks and opportunities in food, energy, environment and water to 2050.The Water, Food, Energy and Climate Nexus: Challenges and an Agenda for Action, p.72. Guerin, T., 2016. AIA submission into productivity commission draft report on regulation of Australian agriculture.Agricultural Science,28(2), p.43. Hertel, T.W. and Baldos, U.L.C., 2016. Overview of Global Land Use, Food Security and the Environment. InGlobal Change and the Challenges of Sustainably Feeding a Growing Planet(pp. 1-12). Springer International Publishing. Islam, M.S. and Wong, A.T., 2017. Climate Change and Food In/Security: A Critical Nexus.Environments,4(2), p.38. MacCallion, G., 2016. State Responses to Human Security: A National Security Framework. New Approaches to Human Security in the Asia-Pacific: China, Japan and Australia, p.195. McLean, J., 2017. Water cultures as assemblages: Indigenous, neoliberal, colonial water cultures in northern Australia.Journal of Rural Studies,52, pp.81-89. Rosier, K., 2011.Food insecurity in Australia: What is it, who experiences it and how can child and family services support families experiencing it?.Child Family Community Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2017]. Timmer, C.P., 2017. Food Security, Structural Transformation, Markets and Government Policy.Asia the Pacific Policy Studies,4(1), pp.4-19. YouTube. 2016.Does Australia have 'food security?'. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2017]. YouTube. 2016.The Shocking Truth About Food Insecurity | Clancy Cash Harrison | TEDxWilmingtonWomen. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2017].

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sharks Essays - Elasmobranchii, Carcharhinidae, Sharks, Ichthyology

Sharks Although sharks belong to the class Chondrichtyes, there are many different types. Sharks arose about 350 million years ago and have remained virtually unchanged for the past 70 million years and still comprise a dominant group. It is thought that sharks almost certainly evolved from placoderms, a group of primitive jawed fishes. It took a long series of successful and unsuccessful mutations with fin, jaw positions etc to give us all the different designs of sharks around today. When asked to draw a shark, most people would draw a shape along the lines of the whaler shark family, tigers or a mackeral shark such as a porbeagle. However many people do not realize the sheer diversity in the shape of sharks, or that rays are really sharks. Seldom does such an animal inspire such a variety of emotions reflecting a mixture of fascination, awe and fear. Sharks have occasionally exacted a terrible price from humans who have trespassed on their territory. No better understood than the ocean that they inhabit, these creatures should be regarded in the same way as lions, tigers, and bears: as dangerous, predatory but nonetheless magnificent animals. Different Types of Sharks Living sharks are divided into eight major orders, each easily recognizable by certain external characteristics. Each order contains one or more smaller groups, or families. In all there are 30 families of sharks and they contain the 350 or more different kinds or species of sharks. The eight major orders of sharks include the Squantiformes, Pristiophormes, Squaliformes, Hexanchiformes, Carcharhiniformes, Lamniformes, Orectolobiformes, and the Heterodotiformes. The orders have distinguishing characteristics that fit in each. The Squantiformes normally have flat bodies that are ray-like with mottled dorsal surfaces. These sharks have a short terminal mouth, which is armed with small impaling teeth. They also have a caudal fin, which has a lower lobe that is longer than the upper lobe. Their pectoral fins extend forward over the ventrally directed gills. The Pristiophormes have more of an elongated snout, which is saw-like and edged with slender, needle-sharp lateral teeth. They have two dorsal fins and no anal fin. They use short transverse mouths and small cuspidate holding teeth in both jaws. Squaliformes have no anal fin as well, but their snout is not elongated, but is somewhat long. Many have powerful cutting teeth in both jaws. In some species these razor sharp teeth are in the lower jaw only and the upper teeth serve to hold the food. Hexanchiformes have six or seven gill slits. They are sharks with a single spineless dorsal fin, and an anal fin. The typical Carcharhiniforme has an elongated snout, a long mouth that reaches behind the eyes, an anal fin and two spineless dorsal fins. The eyes have movable, nictitating lower eyelids worked by unique muscles. Teeth vary from small and cuspidate or flattened to large and bladelike. Carcharhiniformes have no enlarged rear crushing teeth. Along with this they have a spiral scroll intestinal valve. A Lamniforme shark has an elongated snout. Most have long mouths that reach behind the eyes, an anal fin and two spineless dorsal fins. They also have a ring intestinal valve. The Orectolobiformes have pig-like snouts and short mouths that in most species are connected to the nostrils by grooves. There is an anal fin but no fin spines on the two dorsal fins. They have uniquely formed barbells at the inside edges of the nostrils. Heterodotiformes are the only living shark that combines fin spines on their two dorsal fins and anal fin. They only have five-gill slits. In each order there are specific types of sharks. Each shark belongs to a family with different species. The Angel shark (Squantiforme) is just one of the many. It has a single family of about thirteen species. They are all ovoviviparous livebearers and most do not exceed 1.5 meters. Saw sharks (Pristiophoriformes) are harmless bottom sharks. They are also a single family but with five species. They are also ovoviviparous livebearers. Four sharks that belong to the order Sqauliforme are the Bramble, Dogfish, and Rough sharks. They have three families with eighty-two species. They too, are ovoviviparous livebearers. They have more cylindrical bodies. Frilled sharks, Six, and Seven gill sharks (Hexanchiformes) have two families and five species. Once again they are also ovoviviparous livebearers. Usually, these guys are found in deep waters. The Catsharks, Finback Catshark, False Catshark, Barbelled Houndshark, Weasel, Houndshark, Hammerhead, and Requiem sharks (Carcharhiniformes) have one hundred and ninety-seven known species. Most of these sharks are known to be dangerous. They are both oviparous and ovoviviparous livebearers.