Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Signature Assignment Portrait Of An Early Learner Essay

Portrait of an Early Childhood Learner Trissy Coppens Arizona State University Foundations of Diversity, Human Development, and the Young Child ECD 549 Larry Sidlik, Dr. Michael Roberts, Monique Davis December 4, 2014 Portrait of an Early Childhood Learner (MHC Early Childhood Solutions, n.d.) Did you survive the â€Å"terrible two’s?† Well congratulations and welcome to the what lies ahead for you and your three year old child. The next few years are called the â€Å"magic years† because it seems like magic that your child is finally listening to you and for your child it is an opportunity for their imagination to run wild. As parents we have watched our children grow and develop in the areas of height and weight, remembered when they first†¦show more content†¦In this domain Piaget stated that the child who is still in the preoperational stage can’t conceptualize abstractly and needs concrete physical situations. They can’t mentally manipulate information. The child is able to form stable concepts as well as magical beliefs and their thinking is still egocentric, which means that the child has difficulty seeing the viewpoint of others. Piaget split this stage into the symbolic and intuitive thought substage. In the symbolic fun ction stage children are able to understand, represent, remember, and picture objects in their mind without having the object in front of them. Vygotsky stated that children learn cognitive tasks through their interactions with older peers and adults. Not only do younger children watch and imitate older people or peers as they complete tasks, but these older guides also help younger children accomplish tasks they couldn’t accomplish on their own. He calls this the zone of proximal development which he describes what children can do alone and what they can do with assistance. Another theorist named Bandura coined the term observational learning which means people learn appropriate social behaviors by observing and modeling others. This type of learning is most effective during childhood. Vygotsky believed that the important part of the cognitive development is language. He observed that very youngShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 PagesTo ease employee and managerial anxieties about the changes, GE Fanuc promised that no employees would lose their jobs. Managers and supervisors affected by the elimination of levels were offered promotions, transfers to other jobs in GE Fanuc, or early retirement buyouts. Additionally, employees were promised profit sharing, which has resulted in up to three weeks additional pay in profit sharing bonuses in some years. The test of the change is in the results. 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